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by Nicholas Wilson |
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on a motion filed by two Bay Area newspapers, the judge in the Judi Bari vs. FBI case partially lifted an unusual gag order she placed on jurors after they returned a $4.4 million verdict against former FBI agents and Oakland police officers.
But most jurors either did not return repeated phone calls or said they did not want to talk to the media.
Juror Karen Latinis spoke briefly to a Press Democrat reporter, but when contacted by MONITOR last week, she said she had changed her mind about talking to the media after she received a deluge of requests. Juror Mary Nunn, a Contra Costa County resident, granted a lengthy interview which is excerpted below.
MONITOR: You are the only juror who is willing to talk about your experience. Mary Nunn: I really want to tell my story because I felt really passionate about it. And for so long you couldn't talk about it. I think if you don't speak out about it and tell the truth about what happened, and how it was manipulated, then people won't know. And then every time they read something about the FBI they'll be taken in. I think they really need to know the other side of it, so they'll be enlightened. If you suppress it and don't talk like the rest of them are doing, then you don't back up what we stood for that day. Do you see? MONITOR: There were several mysteries in the verdict. One of them was why the jury was undecided on Darryl Cherney's false arrest. Nunn: That was purposefully done so that he could have a shot at retrying it. We had a stubborn juror. She grew up in a very protected environment -- a totally different world. She's never seen police corruption in her life or seen police penetrate her neighborhood or any of that. She thought of them sort of in a good way, like "Why would they jeopardize their jobs?" But they do it every day. They're just not caught. The only way they get in trouble is if you have a video in hand. It's unfortunate that many of the jurors were just so far removed from that. I'm sure there are some great cops out there, but unfortunately there are some undesirables too. MONITOR: Another mystery is why the jury decided no one was liable for conspiracy. Five defendants were found liable for First Amendment violations, and in order for there to be no conspiracy they would all have to have acted independently. Nunn: Let me put the setting to you. We get the word we're going to deliberate. We're not allowed to talk, but people still make comments. I'm getting a feeling of the rest of my jurors and I have some concerns, some deep concerns. So we're in there and I shared with one of the jurors because I thought she could relate. I said to her "I'm really concerned about how the outcome of this is going to be." She said, "Don't worry. We all have common sense minds. We can see what's happening here." And I said, "Yeah. You're right," thinking that she thinks like me. And then the next day, when we first convened, I think we took a temperature check on one of the first claims on the form, just to see where we were all at. When she said what she thought, I was shocked. It was 180 degrees from what I thought she would say. From that point on I couldn't convince her otherwise, although she never ever thought that Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were carrying the bomb. She was one who felt that the cops just wouldn't have jeopardized their careers in that way. I said, "Well, their careers were never in jeopardy. That's one thing you have to know. Even now their careers are not in jeopardy. You can never jail them. They'll never go away for time. The only thing you can ever get out of them is punitive damages, if you ever see that." Another thing is how long it took Darryl and Judi to get where they had to get. I wanted them to get something. I saw their hard course over 12 years to get where they had to go, and I didn't know if they had the time, the means, or the energy to bring it back for a second trial. But we couldn't get everyone to settle on everything. When you've invested so much time, and you're passionate, and you want to see them get something, you start compromising, giving up stuff to get other stuff. So that conspiracy claim, that's one that our two socialites, let's say, couldn't relate to. And both these women who couldn't relate came from great upbringings. It's so funny, you know, the rich and the famous never want to see the small guy get anything. (laughs) They'll hoard it all for themselves, but god forbid that somebody beneath them get a crumb. You see? So this is just the mentality. It's a sad mentality. They just can't see that the cops can do bad stuff. I'm glad it was on the TV news this week about the cops beating that young handcuffed 15-year-old (in Inglewood, California). Maybe it might dawn a light in them (the reluctant jurors). I've never had to deal with corrupt police personally, but I live a pretty clean life. I don't invite those things. But neither did Judi and Darryl invite those things. MONITOR: But Judi and Darryl did take risks, and they were out there confronting cops and loggers a lot, risking being dealt with violently. Nunn: I would imagine some of the things I've been saying lately is taking risk. A lot of my friends and people say, "Boy, I hope you don't end up in the bay." But is it worthy? And if I did end up in the bay would it be worthy? I think it's worthy. I think somebody has to speak out. It's scary. I'm scared of the police now, and I have no reason to be. But you know I drive late at night. I start my day at 3:30 in the morning. I'm all alone on the freeway. They don't have any reason to target me. But just the fact that I have a big mouth. When I started that trial I didn't know anything about environmentalists or that movement. I didn't know anything about this group. And I was kind of like, well, maybe they acted up a bit; maybe the police were worthy. I went in there with that attitude. But when I sat and listened to the evidence, and I saw all that had happened, I did a 180-degree turn in that courtroom. And then my heart just poured out to them. I couldn't believe what they had been through. So there was a deciphering point. I became very passionate. I became like I'll be darned if they don't win. It was exhausting deliberating with the people that were hard to get through to. MONITOR: Did you think the police and FBI witnesses were lying in court? Nunn: They absolutely were lying. I didn't just think that they were lying. The search warrant showed that they were lying. Their inconsistency showed that they were lying. Their stories didn't jibe, not one together. Each one was evading the question or saying they didn't remember. These people are notorious for note keeping. They're notorious for their files. So all of a sudden they don't recall anything? Well you had twelve years to catch up. Why didn't you prepare yourself? Why didn't you go at least to acting classes and get lessons in how to present yourself in a desirable fashion on the stand? Because they were not desirable characters to me, not one of them. MONITOR: What did you think of the bomb experts and the conflicting testimony about where the bomb was located? Nunn: I was already convinced the bomb was under the seat. I already knew that the poor girl wasn't carrying the bomb. It wasn't her character, and I didn't even know her. MONITOR: You got a chance to see the actual bombed car. Nunn: I didn't have to see the car. It was nice that I saw the car. I saw the seat. I saw the injuries. I saw her character. I saw her following. You don't get 50-plus people to fill a courtroom each day if you're not a good person. It just doesn't happen. You know what really proved the case was we started looking through all the arrest reports, all the different documents. It just all kind of spelled it out. If some on the jury wouldn't believe what we said we had documents to prove it. So we would turn to the page and say "Here it is. You're looking for it? Well here it is." You didn't believe that this was done by this time, or this hour? Here it is. This is when this one was on the scene. This is how he contributed. We almost re-presented the case to the ones who were ignorant or didn't take notes. MONITOR: Did you take a lot of notes? Nunn: I took all kinds of notes. We weren't allowed to keep them, but I remember a lot of what I wrote. Like when Doyle would repeatedly say "I don't recall," I wrote "Does this guy really think this is going to excuse his whole behavior?" It's not! You're accountable for your actions. MONITOR: He would never own up, would he?. Nunn: None of them would. And then (Special Agent Phillip) Sena was so angry, so defensive. He was just, uffff! He might as well not have come to court, because his whole presence was an insult. You had two different types of people in the courtroom. You had the people of Earth First! that were very subtle, very demure, very mellow. And then you had the FBI agents. Doyle actually acted like a goof. He kind of laughed things off and played them down as if we would relate. I was taking it all very seriously, more like "how dare you?" We all knew they (Judi and Darryl) were innocent. What was so trying was associating the money with the deeds, coming up with a figure. I asked for $40 million. Another juror requested $60 million, and then the one with the Rolex watch said $100,000. There you go with that rich person mentality, you see? They can have all they want for themselves, but nothing for anyone else, you see? MONITOR: I remember Tony Serra in his closing arguments saying "We want millions to send a message ..." Nunn: The thing is with them, my conservative little group, is they didn't relate to Tony Serra. He preached like a reverend. He was fine by me. I knew that he was very passionate. I knew he was very involved and had invested many years and lots of emotion, so I could relate to Tony Serra. But I'll tell you, the rest of my jurors couldn't relate to that. They thought it was more a hunger for money. I told them what kind of car Tony drove. He had a little Chevrolet or something. He could care less. They were talking about his suits and everything. They judged people by how they looked, how they dressed. It was ridiculous. I told them you have to focus on content of character. It doesn't make any difference what they have on. They're a different breed. I come from the East Bay, and I come from more meager beginnings. After my father died my mother and I lived in the projects in Richmond. I was the only white girl in a ten-block area. But my experiences were good for me. I've learned so much from what I've been subjected to. I think it's made me more well-rounded. I have no desire to live in a mansion. Something happens to a person when they get to that level. They disassociate or something. They just become cold and distant, and it's just nothing I've desired to be. MONITOR: Jurors are selected at random from all over the area, so you get a mixture. Nunn: But you know most of them are very conservative, the majority. You have these conservative people who don't want to bend. One was like, "What money will bring closure?" It's not the money, it's the principle. This is the only thing we have to put the sting to them. We can't put them in jail. It was a hard course, and it was hard for them to relate. But I wanted big money, and I wanted Darryl to have his false arrest claim. I'm one of the ones who would not go for a not liable verdict on that claim because he deserved that so much. I was so tired and so worn out because they would not discuss money. I kept bringing it up and saying we need to discuss the money. The majority wanted low money. There were only two of us who wanted high money. Only two! But when the money got out I was just glad there was going to be some. I was like, divide it up how you want, but if Darryl gets below $1 million I'm not playing. I'm going to hang this whole thing up and we're going to give the case to someone more deserving. I said at least give him back his bail money. You're not even going to give him back the $10,000 that they robbed from him? They're from a different world! MONITOR: Eighty percent of the total damage award was for First Amendment violations. How did the defendants violate the First Amendment rights? What acts did they do? Nunn: One that really touched me was the nightly TV news spots that (OPD Lt. Michael) Sims delivered, smearing their name. It was just character assassination. It was just horrible. Sending that all over the Bay Area and who knows where else. "These are bombers. There are no other suspects. Our primary focus is on these two." It was horrifying. How do you rebound from that? They lost their ballot Proposition 130 that year, not to mention the trees. They lost their face in society. Judi's kids were teased and taunted at school. They had to walk around in fear, never knowing where this crazy bomber is at. MONITOR: Did you feel the defendants deliberately framed Judi and Darryl? Nunn: I think from the moment that (Special Agent Frank) Doyle came on that scene he went right to work, and they followed him. I think they were heavily influenced by him. But at a point in time, as they took the FBI helicopter out in the night, and they searched, and did other searches prior to that, and all those interviews, I think they finally came to a determination that, "you know what, we don't have anything here." By that morning when they got back from the all-night search they could have let them go. At any time they could start doing right, but they wouldn't. They kept up with it. So, yeah, it was deliberate, absolutely. There was a point when they could have tried to clean it up. It was all done wrong anyway. I mean, what you do is search, get some evidence, then you go arresting folks. MONITOR: Were you living in Santa Rosa at the time of the bombing in 1990? Nunn: I probably was, but I was so young. I must have been in my early 20s. I don't remember any news stories about Judi. The only thing I do remember is Earth First hanging something on the Golden Gate Bridge. So what? You know I've lived near Berkeley, and all my life I've seen people out waving signs and doing their things. MONITOR: There are plenty of conservatives around too. Nunn: I was submerged in a room with them, believe me. I was the black sheep of the jury room. (laughs) I didn't mean to be, but I was. And that's because I was so driven and so passionate. I was very moved by them (the plaintiffs and supporters). I fell in love with them, every last one of them. MONITOR: When Darryl Cherney sang that song, "Spike a Tree for Jesus." How did that come across? Nunn: (laughs) First of all, I'm raised Roman Catholic. My father came from Poland. I'm first generation American. My mother's from Canada. I don't have anything to do with the Catholic Church today, but you couldn't get more Christian than me. I have an intimate, intimate relationship with God. I don't belong to any church. I'm just in love with my Father, okay? The only thing that song reminded me of is the crucifixion of characters that the police did to that poor guy. (she cries a little) That's the only way the Spike a Tree for Jesus thing ... come on, how am I going to take offense at that? I know the bible. I know the word. I know how Jesus was put to death. I know who was responsible. A song's not going to, like, twist that. MONITOR: Was there discussion about the song in the jury room? Nunn: No. None of them were Christians. None of them were religious people. I mean, they may have a sense of it, but it wasn't their essence. There was one gentleman that, when we first convened in the room and we were trying to figure out how we were going to start things, he kind of took control. He got some chalk and he stood in the front of the room and started making columns. Nobody asked him to do this, he just did it. Then, all of a sudden, he became E. F. Hutton, Rock of Gibraltar. Not to me, but to some of the ones who were more like him. They looked to him when he talked and they kind of heeded what he said. But the rest of us were like, "Eaghhh! This guy's gonna be a problem. (laughs) What's so ironic is that he would have this stance, but all of a sudden he started saying, "You know what? It WAS a violation." I was like, "I can't believe you're talking like this." (laughs) And it was great! I'm glad he was having an awakening. He started reading the material. We started sharing our notes. We started showing him where it was said and how it was said and here's the proof. And then once he saw it, then of course ... See, people might have selective attention, selective hearing, tuning some things out during the trial. But we all had notes, and we all shared them. If we had something that was contradictory it was "Wait a minute! I remember this, and we'd search our papers and find it and say, "this is what was said, and this is how he said it. If I need to I'll have the judge read it back." So we were really making our points, but in a very civil manner. We all had a very nice rapport. MONITOR: There was one juror who seemed to be the one who took the most notes. She had an armload of notepads by the end of the trial. Nunn: Yes, she's a great girl. She wanted more punitive damages. Although she was conservative, she fought really hard for the plaintiffs. She would put things in perspective in a way where she could say what I wanted to say but she could connect with the others. So she was very fundamental in getting that verdict as well. She worked really hard on that. She used to work for the police department. She knew how they operated. She was quite a favorable aspect to our deliberating because she had all this insight from that inside realm, because she had actually worked in a police department. MONITOR: How was the foreperson chosen? Nunn: Somebody asked who wanted to be the forewoman. I raised my hand, and the English lady raised her hand. I think her friend said, "She'll be the forewoman," and I said fine, whoever. And that was the end of it. Nobody did any big bid for it. Whoever was willing, and she was voted in I guess. She was a nice woman. She gave me a hug afterwards. That's one thing about her being British. She always came on time or early, never late. She was cute in a lot of ways. She was the head of a bank, so she was very good with the numbers. Another one of the jurors was like a child who grew up in a protective bubble. This girl just couldn't go for the cops deliberately doing wrong. She would defend herself saying, "Believe me. I don't think they were carrying the bomb. I just think the cops were justified with what they had, with the rebar in Cherney's truck ...." If he was being arrested for spiking a road or a tree or whatever you could do with that piece of material, okay. But it had nothing to do with this particular crime, so it didn't fit. And I kept trying to make that point with her and she'd go, "But I still think, with those books in his car, and ..." whatever else, you know? MONITOR: She cited books in his car? Nunn: The books from the founder of Earth First! The little thing on the tree-spiking. And I kept restating the testimony that there was one incident in Idaho, and never in California, and never by these two. You can't do guilt by association. I fought, and fought and fought. I did it by the facts and by what I learned. I didn't try to do anything illicit. Everything was real, and that's why I was so moved, because it was real. MONITOR: How about the sheriff-elect of Humboldt County who testified that there has never been a tree-spiking or sabotage incident in the past 20 years in Humboldt or Mendocino Counties? Nunn: Right. Darryl and Judi didn't even have a criminal history. Darryl was on a bridge one day. So what? And they said Darryl was in Arizona, but he was never arrested for that. I don't care where he was or what he did, he was never arrested for those things. They just don't strike me as people who would do those kinds of things. They're both educated, and they're passionate. How do you go from loving something like a tree to wanting to go hurt people with a bomb that have blood flowing through them. If you're going to love a tree, you're going to love a person more so. It didn't fit their character. It didn't fit any of those people's character in that room (the Earth First! supporters). Those people had an essence of light about them. You could feel their whole essence across the room, all of them. They were a beautiful group of people. I don't even know them, but that was what their presence showed. They were so mellow and laid back and earthy and kind. Come on! They didn't fit the description of people who would try to hurt people. When they took the stand their personality was very demure and mellow. The judge would say, "You need to answer that," and they'd say, "okay." You know they didn't get excited. They were just a different breed. They're not into things like bombing. Sometimes you just know. They really touched me and I was really moved by them. At one point I wanted to run away and become one of them. They have such an ease about them. They seem to not have a lot of stress going on, you know? MONITOR: What do you hope the public will learn from this case? Nunn: I think people need to get more involved. They need to write more letters. They need to take more of a stand and protect one another. And when they see things like this happening, don't just take it for the truth what the cops and the media are telling you. You need to really take a look at it, and investigate it. Take a stance and protect people and speak out. Because if you don't it's going to be covered up and no one's going to pay attention, and no one will ever be held accountable. People might say it's just one incident, but one incident turns into multiple, and pretty soon it's you. MONITOR: Were there any of the lawyers who made any impression on you? Nunn: I love Mr. (Robert) Bloom. He's the suavest man I ever saw in my life. Definitely. He was so smooth in the way he questioned the witnesses. I would just say to myself privately, "Mr. Bloom, go to work." Because that's exactly what he was doing. If I ever got myself in a jam I would run to find him. He's phenomenal. Mr. (Dennis) Cunningham had the innocence of a young boy. We just loved him. The way he would fumble, it was so cute! It wasn't done intentionally. He was just darling! We loved him! MONITOR: Are you saying that most of the jurors felt that way? Nunn: Oh, we loved him, all of us, collectively. He just had an innocence about him. MONITOR: And you've already talked about Tony Serra. Nunn: Well, I liked Tony Serra. I think he's a great lawyer. The others were just too conservative. They don't know what Tony Serra is about and what he stands for either. I think Tony Serra did a fine job. I think they collectively did a great job. I think they were a great representation. MONITOR: How about Justice Department attorney Joe Sher? Nunn: What people didn't like about him was he was holding his hand like he was holding a cigar. And the young boy (Justice Dept. attorney Dennis Barghaan), he looked like a kewpie doll, like a baby kewpie doll. He was just trying too hard, but he had nothing to try with. Honestly, they were so agitating. I was like, "Where are you going with this. You have absolutely nothing. But we'll play your game if we have to." It was very boring, but I suffered through it. If you really want me to be honest about the attorneys for the defendants, I thought, "God, if this is what the U.S. Government has, if this is their best, wow, it's pretty sad. They're so conservative and so tight. I don't know, they're just a different breed, you know? They're almost like military lawyers. MONITOR: Do you know that Joe Sher's next case is defending Henry Kissinger? Nunn: (laughs) Good luck! MONITOR: Many trial watchers were amazed because no jurors dropped out during the trial except the two who said they had problems on the first day. The judge said at the beginning we could expect to lose one juror per week. Nunn: Really? Not me. I was in it to win it. I wanted something great to come of it. I just wanted Darryl and Judi to have some sense of exoneration. I really couldn't give that to them in total, but I just wanted them to feel better. I just can't stand to see people mistreated. I hate it with all my heart. When people get a raw deal I like nothing better than to do them some righteousness, you see? There are a lot of people that I work with who were like, "Right on! It's about time. They were all for it. A lot of them were concerned for me that something might happen to me. But I don't know if that would ever happen. I hope not. They could come plant drugs in my house or something. I mean you never know. I don't do those things, but I don't trust them. I'm just scared of them after what they did to Judi and Darryl. I also want to add this. While we were deliberating on the anniversary of the bombing, one juror stood up and said, "Why don't we send a note to the court and ask everyone to have a moment of silence." We took a moment of silence at the minute of the event. We all got quiet and put our heads down and had a moment of silence in memory of the event. I thought that was kind of touching. That might show you the feel, the flavor of the atmosphere in the jury room. There was a lot of debating. I think they really wanted to be fair. MONITOR: There was a big rally outside the courthouse that day. Did they tell you anything about that? Nunn: No. We already knew better not to stop and look when we left the courthouse during the rally. That didn't influence any of us. All I saw was people playing music and dancing and some kind of puppet. I couldn't even make out what it was. I didn't know what was going on. I just knew they were having a celebration. No, that rally didn't influence us. MONITOR: The defense made a big issue of it though. Nunn: Because they were just reaching. They were reaching for anything. They were reaching for flies. They had nothing. I thought "this is so ridiculous." It didn't affect us. The Earth First! people go out and convene and have their music. We knew this is what they were about anyway. So how would that move us? This is how they got their word out. And it was not only them. The whole time we were there people were doing protests about Israel and Afghanistan, and all that was going on. We're accustomed to that. We're from the Bay Area. I grew up in Richmond and Berkeley for God's sake. MONITOR: The defense motion claimed that the plaintiffs' attorneys deliberately timed their speeches so they would be heard by the jury coming out of the courthouse. Nunn: I didn't even hear any attorneys. It was a quick walk to the car. I didn't see any attorneys talking. I saw Mr. Bloom standing on the outskirts, and he kind of saw us walking out. But he didn't have a mike in his hands, and he was far back from it. MONITOR: When the judge called you all into the courtroom one by one to ask you about the rally, every single person said it had no effect whatsoever. Only one person said she was able to recognize Tony Serra's voice on the PA system, but she couldn't understand any of the words that he said. Nobody else said that they heard anybody's voice. MONITOR: What did you think of the FBI agents on the witness stand. Nunn: This was the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the FBI. Big titles. Big income. All of them retire before their heads turn gray. But they don't even have their stories straight. Now every time I hear anything about the FBI where they made an arrest I question it. That's what this experience taught me. You know when they were playing the tape of Lt. Sims on TV news that just made me cry. I was so moved. I want to tell you something. I'm no easy girl to cry. I'm pretty strong. I've been through some things, I'll tell you. But one thing I'll never let this world do is harden my heart. Anyway, I was still crying when I was back in the jury room with those people, and they all ignored me. It was really funny. They tried to pretend I wasn't crying. That was some pretty moving stuff, and I felt what's wrong with these people that they don't feel it. The blonde lady (Darlene Comingore) who was there for Judi Bari's estate was crying too. Most of those jurors were a different breed. The people today are, what do you call it ... desensitized, you know? I don't know. I just always got a heart for folks. Don't ever let this world harden your heart. MONITOR: What did you think of Judi Bari on video? Nunn: I was really moved by Judi Bari, the stances she took and the way she stood up to those people and never gave up the good fight. I drove home one day during deliberations, and I was in deep prayer about all this. I remember saying, "Don't worry Judi. I got your back in this. There's no way they're going to prevail. I've got your back in this, girl." I would drive home and say that out loud, hoping she could hear. I know she can see us from heaven. I know she can see this taking place. I know she's feeling a little bit better about it. You know? Even though you went to your grave and you didn't get to see it. You know that God says not one stone will be unturned. All your bad culprits will be brought out and brought into account for all their days on the Earth. You can't just follow the crowd. You're accountable for your own actions. MONITOR: Did you think Judge Wilken was fair? Nunn: I guess the judge seemed somewhat fair. She wouldn't let them get a lot of stuff in, which agitated me at times, and she would stifle Mr. Bloom, and I really don't think he was offensive. He was being fair and he was bringing up a lot of points. I guess it's because it's the FBI and the police, and they're the law. She represents the law. You know? Inside, deep down, she's with them. Ultimately she'd like to think that her FBI and police people are walking a righteous line. She wants to think nice of them, you see? And she probably thought the whole thing was preposterous and would never get off the ground. I'll tell you something about this younger generation coming up. We're not buying it. You know, a lot of these cops that are getting caught are getting turned in by the younger cops. They're not going for it. We're a different breed. We're not going for that stuff any more. MONITOR: Do you think the documents were more important than the live testimony? Nunn: I think it was all important. I guess they couldn't alter the documents. To have documents such as those and to then tell a different story was really bad. I think the search warrant was the ultimate cruncher. That was really bad because it showed the lies. A lot of people don't make a big deal of it. But to me it was a big deal that they wrote in that affidavit, "We also believe that at 52 California St. there will be found the makings of bombs." They knew the cops had been in that house for five hours already. Why would you do that? Because you're trying to paint this image of these people, you see? They couldn't very well put in that "we went there and we found nothing, and hence we want to go here and search some more." So they painted this altered picture of them, and it was terrible. MONITOR: Even 12 years later in the courtroom the defense was still trying to suggest that Darryl and Judi were indeed carrying the bomb. Nunn: None of the defendants gave reasons for their actions. All they did was try to blame Darryl and Judi for that bombing. But what they forgot is the District Attorney already threw it out. That wasn't the purpose of us being there. We were there to find out if the cops were guilty, not Darryl and Judi. We already knew they weren't guilty. So they tried to put out a smokescreen to take us off point. We weren't going for it, not even for a moment. They must have thought we were morons. (laughs) They were trying to make us think these people were guilty and they were justified in what they were doing. But somebody already deciphered years ago that they weren't. If they were guilty, we wouldn't even be here. It was ridiculous what they were doing. They should have focused on why they did what they did instead of trying to put the focus back on the plaintiffs. If they had given us some reasonable grounds for doing what they did instead of denying what they did ... everybody was bouncing it back off one another. Nobody would claim it. So that's what started looking weird. Everybody agreed with that. None of them could agree on what happened that day, and these are professional note-takers. All of a sudden, for this big investigation with all these things involved, the FBI helicopter, which they don't even take out for missing kids. I mean come on! But they used it for these two flower children? Such a waste of the taxpayers' money. Why? Because they want to have big headlines and they want to have a pay raise? We've caught a bomber! I wish the plaintiffs the best in life. I wish them nothing but peace and harmony from here on out. I hope that nobody ever comes to their door and continues in this aspect and plagues them with these things ever again. I think they've had enough to last them a lifetime. I wish Darryl safety and harmony, and hopefully he can breathe a little easier today, and maybe they won't focus on him any more, and they'll give up on it.
Albion Monitor
July 16 2002 (http://albionmonitor.net) All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |